*All mental health counseling services are virtual via secure Zoom link. We are based in Chicago, IL and you must be located in Illinois for all therapy sessions.

Free 15-Minute Consultation

We provide a free 15-minute consultation prior to our first session. This initial consultation is an opportunity for you to provide a brief overview of your situation, and to ask questions about us and our practice. After this initial meeting, if we mutually decide to move forward, we will schedule the initial intake session (see below). 
To schedule, send us an email or text from this page and we will follow-up within 24 business hours with our availability.

Individual Therapy

We provide short- and long-term individual therapy to adults ages 18 and over. Our clients include people with symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, and actually autistic adults.

Intake and Initial Assessment

During this 60-minute session, we will ask questions about topics such as your history, mental health symptoms, prior experience in therapy, values, support systems, and goals for treatment. If your intake is prior to ketamine preparation or integration sessions (see below), we will also review current and prior psychedelic use. This information will provide the foundation for our work together. We will also verify insurance and ensure you have completed your intake paperwork.

Ongoing Sessions

After the initial assessment, individual mental health therapy sessions are typically 50-55 minutes long. Each session will look different depending on your presenting issues and your goals.

Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

Watercolor style image of many human head silhouettes in multiple colors

We provide preparation and integration sessions to people receiving ketamine treatments through outside providers for treatment of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. 

Preparation sessions are designed to help you understand what to expect during your ketamine therapy and to set realistic intentions. Thorough preparation can ensure your treatment has the greatest benefit and lessen symptom remission. The number of preparation sessions will depend upon your history, symptoms, and goals.   

Integration sessions are typically scheduled in between ketamine sessions to help process insights and new perspectives generated during ketamine therapy. Ketamine increases your brain’s ability to create new pathways and habits, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. Studies suggest that therapy following a ketamine session increases the likelihood of creating sustainable changes during this period of growth.

Avery also collaborates with Sana Healing Collective to provide ketamine assisted therapy services.

View SANA’s full service list

Consultation Services

Avery offers clinical supervision for providers with conditional licenses, as well as guidance for therapists considering including ketamine therapy in their practice.
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